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General Logistics

Employment for 215 Thousand People; USD 20.8 Billion Turnover; USD 7.6 Billion Economic Value Added with Warehousing

With warehousing, 215 thousand people can be employed, a turnover of 20.8 billion dollars and an economic added value of 7.6 billion dollars can be generated. Turkey needs jobs and jobs that will benefit Turkey, and warehousing can help meet…

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Cold is Hot

Warehouse Investment (But How?) As I mentioned in detail in my article, the demand for storage space is increasing due to the development of e-commerce, the preference for more near shoring production or supply in case a pandemic-like situation occurs…

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Physical Internet

The Internet, short for Interconnected Networks, is an electronic communication network that connects computers and smart devices to send and receive data. Thanks to the internet, it is possible to access any kind of data at any time. For example,…

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Afet Lojistiği - Deportak

Disaster Logistics

This article is based on the experiences of DepOrtak founding member Oruç Kaya in Malatya after the February 6 earthquakes. You can also find the presentation as a file at the end of the article. Post Disaster Logistics Every activity…

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