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Grey Warehousing
Green Consensus
In order to combat climate change, companies must radically change their activities, the Supply Chain (SC) for their activities, the logistics that enable the movement of the SC, the management approach and Human Resources (quantity, quality) according to the “Green…
E-Commerce Gains with DepOrtak
Your e-commerce business has grown and you see that you need better logistics, especially warehouse-centric fulfillment operations, or you want to build an e-commerce business and you hear that logistics, especially warehouse-centric fulfillment operations, are very important. You have two…
We Are Looking For A Warehouse But We Can’t Find One
Nowadays, just as people looking for a rental house say “we can’t find a house”, I hear producers and/or sellers complaining “we are looking for a warehouse but there is no warehouse”, “we are looking for a warehouse but we…
Grey Warehousing and Its Benefits
Unfortunately, not only in Turkey but also globally, the supply of storage space for logistics companies (3PLs) is not sufficient to meet the need and demand for storage. The first solution that comes to mind may be the classical method,…