Earn additional income by filling your empty and idle spaces

Promote your warehousing spaces and warehousing services to the thousands of users
Let’s bring and match your warehousing spaces with thousands of those who need warehousing spaces by using our smart filtering and matching technology. Let those need for a warehouse review the features of your warehousing space and the services you offer and then booking for the dates and spaces which you defined as available. Fill your empty and idle areas with reservations of 1 days or more.

Receive payments directly into your bank account
Your payment is guaranteed with the booking confirmation. At the end of the warehousing operation related to the reservation the payment will be made into your bank account.
Turn your empty and idle spaces into additional income
Together with its features, location, available space and available dates add your empty and idle spaces in the regular warehouse, temperature-controlled warehouse, open land, factory warehouse or your unused empty shops, empty shops in the mall store, parking in the malls; earn additional income by renting these spaces for warehousing purpose.

Manage your warehousing space anytime and anywhere you want
View and manage your storage space and all transactions related to the reservation from a single screen.
Anytime and anywhere you want by using our cloud-based platform free of charge, you can manage your warehousing space and related to the reservation track all product entry and exit movements and view information.

Turn your empty and idle spaces into additional income
Together with its features, location, available space and available dates
Add your empty and idle spaces in the regular warehouse, temperature-controlled warehouse, open land, factory warehouse or your unused empty shops, empty shops in the mall store, parking in the malls; earn additional income by renting these spaces for warehousing purpose.

Promote your warehousing spaces and warehousing services to the thousands of users.
Let’s bring and match your warehousing spaces with thousands of those who need warehousing spaces by using our smart filtering and matching technology. Let those need for a warehouse review the features of your warehousing space and the services you offer and then booking for the dates and spaces which you defined as available.
Fill your empty and idle areas with reservations of 1 days or more.

Manage your warehousing space anytime and anywhere you want
View and manage your storage space and all transactions related to the reservation from a single screen.
Anytime and anywhere you want by using our cloud-based platform free of charge, you can manage your warehousing space and related to the reservation track all product entry and exit movements and view information.

Receive payments directly into your bank account
Your payment is guaranteed with the booking confirmation. At the end of the warehousing operation related to the reservation the payment will be made into your bank account.