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Rapidly Growing E-Commerce Increases Storage Needs

Storage Industry to Reach $1.6 Trillion in 2030
The rapidly growing e-commerce sector with digital transformation has brought the demand for logistics and warehousing services to an extraordinary level. By 2024, the global e-commerce volume will grow by 8.8% year-on-year and exceed 6.3 trillion dollars. E-commerce now accounts for 47% of retail trade in China and 15.8% in the US. China spends 3 trillion dollars on e-commerce, while the US spends 1 trillion dollars.
Increasing worldwide trade volume, product diversity and developments in supply chain management are increasing the demand for warehousing spaces every day. By 2030, the worldwide warehousing industry will reach 1.6 trillion dollars, half of which will be platform-based business models that will also support “fulfillment”.
Underlining that the rising star of e-commerce will be “platform-based storage solutions”, DepOrtak co-founder and chairman of the board Dr. Akın Arslan said:
“The new business models brought about by the digitalizing world are transforming the storage industry to a great extent. Instead of traditional warehouse management, companies now prefer flexible and efficient platform-based solutions. The driving force of growth in this area will be digital platform-based next-generation storage solutions, including DepOrtak, which enable micro storage close to the customer and instant capacity management.”
In 10 Years, Storage Space Needs Will Double
Akın Arslan stated that the need for storage space will double in the next 10 years. Stating that the rapid growth in the e-commerce sector will shape the business models in the storage sector, Dr. Akın Arslan continued his speech as follows:
“According to research by leading real estate development companies, global warehousing capacity (excluding China) is estimated to be around 500 million m2 , including warehouses managed by manufacturers themselves. Although there is no clear information on the situation in China, it is estimated that China, which is the world’s largest factory, may have a storage capacity of over 700 million m2 . For example, global groups such as Prologis, GLP and Amazon alone have over 200 million m2 of storage space under management. With the growth in e-commerce, this capacity is expected to double in the next 10 years. Around 100 million m2 of this capacity increase will be next-generation micro warehouses that will support last-mile storage, such as the dark stores of the Getir business model, provide boutique services including fulfillment and returns management, mostly to e-commerce marketplace sellers and retailers, have a size between 250 m2 and 1,000 m2 in suitable inner-city locations, and can provide integrated services through digital storage platforms such as DepOrtak. The growth in e-commerce, consumer demands and fast delivery pressures will shape last mile warehousing and business models.”

Seasonal Storage and Instant Location-Based Demand Management Possible with Deportak
The increasing need for storage paves the way for companies developing platform-based solutions. “DepOrtak”, an example of an innovative model from Turkey, offers a revolutionary innovation in the sector by bringing together warehouse owners and warehouse seekers thanks to its smart digital platform. Offering more than 1.5 million square meters of storage space in 10 different countries, DepOrtak is an indicator of the rapid growth trend in this field. It gives its customers the power to manage their products stored in different locations from a single “Dashboard” through all digital platforms (iOS, Android, Tablet, web). DepOrtak offers cost-effective, fast and personalized storage solutions to brands that want to be ready for sudden increases in demand for special occasions such as New Year’s Eve, Ramadan and special periods when e-commerce volume increases logarithmically.